Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Is Super Smash Bros Brawl worth holding on to my wii?

There are only two reasons i bought a nintendo wii, it was never the new motion controls, they're neat but that was not a big selling point to me. It was to get the chance to play Super Smash Bros Brawl online, and the 2nd but lesser reason was i like that i can download games i used to play on my old systems. I would love to keep my wii but there are'nt enough games on it to keep me satisfied. Super Paper Mario, Zelda, Metroid are ok games but not enough. I've recently played Halo 3 at a friends house online, i always loved games on 360 but now i want one even more. Im even more mad to find out that the online for SSBB will be stipped down online expierience. I'm thinking of selling my wii my games and assesoires for it. But im thinking about it really hard because wii's are hard to find nowadays, they've been sold out all year. So if i sell it, it will be almost impossible to get another one for a long while if i regret it. Thats why i need to make a desion that i won't regret.|||it is worth it,

Don't lesson to the haters, you should keep the wii. because later their will be tons of new good games to play.and the new upgrade for home brew.

you can also buy a 360,and Halo so you can have both ,so you won't have to worry about regretting it.

that's what I'll do I have never sold a single game or system from my whole collection from old to new and I'm glad I keep them.|||wii is a great system. brawl twilight and guitar hero are only some of the great games that are coming. also if u are looking for online battles like halo, get Medal of honor herso 2 its got awesome 32 player battles.

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|||wii is gay get a 360|||hold on. its set to be awesome.

in the meantime, get metroid three, zelda and resident evil 4.

oh, and resident evil umbrella chronicles somes out in november,

for the new updates straight from the horses mouth on SSBB: http:www.smashbros.com|||yes i think it is and you can get a lot more cool games that are cool too|||Dude, Super Smash Bros. is gonna be WAY worth the wait. Also, Super Paper Mario, Zelda, Metroid Prime 3, do you even own these games? They are great too! Even if you don't like the games, online stuff is great like goin on the net and buying classics. Don't sell your wii unless you need to. Also, GUITAR HERO III!!!|||omg YES!!!

if u hav a wii definitely keep it for ssbb

my friends r BUYING wii's for ssbb; if u hav it; KEEP IT!!

it's gonna b great provided u've played ssb, ssbm as well

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